Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Spam on my blog?

What is up with foriegners posting comments on personal blogs in a language that I can't understand? Does this happen to everyone or just me? I just got a comment from a stranger named Rodrigo on my previous post. I quickly deleted it, and feel somewhat unsettled about it. But since I'm new to the blog world, maybe this happens all the time and I'm just now seeing it. But common or not, I think I hate it.


  1. I have had one wierdo post something--but for the most part they don't post everyday (luckily). Just make sure you don't put any information that someone can track/hunt you down with and you should be good to go. LOVE YOUR PIC BTW. Gorgeous!

  2. Natalie, I'm not sure I understand the logic in you deleting a message from Rodrigo. He sounds regal. Was he not? Let's just hope he wasn't "The" Rodrigo. You may have just started a war. I hope you're happy.

  3. I get a few strange ones from time to time, but if you enable the anti-spam option in your templates,(the code you have to type in order to post a reply) it should help a bit. You may still get a few "Rodrigo-types", but that's just 'cuz you are blonde and pretty. I agree with Emily on the highly personal info...just to be safe, don't type addresses or phone numbers. Nice to have you in the blogging family! Yay for Natalie!

  4. Yeah, I got all sorts of weird people wanting to sell me stuff when I started blogging, so I enabled the word protection code. It has helped a lot.

    Although I did get a random comment from someone wanting me to write an essay for his novel about fathers and daughters. Totally weird.

  5. look at mine darling

  6. NEED MORE NATALIE. NEED MORE NATALIE. Dont post twice and dog out!

  7. Guilty as charged. Thanks for the pep-talk coach. It's what I needed to get back in the game.
