Monday, February 2, 2009

laffy taffy

For my dessert today after lunch - a green laffy taffy.

This is possibly the first laffy taffy that actually made me laugh. You likely will not find it funny, so definitely lower your expectations now. Here it is...

What kind of shorts do clouds wear?

answer: thunderwear.


  1. I am giggling inside. It has so many meanings....thunderware.

  2. A long time ago I posted about Cameron being disappointed that afer eating Laffy Taffy he wasn't "laughing, laughing all day long". I'll have you know that he thought this joke was hi-LARIOUS. Good job--the Laffy Taffy has redeemed itself!

  3. Oh sheesh. You are my little nerd, aren't you.

  4. OK that was funny. I love the cute jokes in those wrappers!

  5. Hey Nat, where does the General keep his armies? In his sleevies. Ha! I'll be honest, though -- I like yours a bit more. You win some, you lose some.

  6. THUNDERpants! Bwaaaahahaha! Love it! Thunderpants makes me think of farts and what's more funny than farts?
