They're gorgeous, aren't they? (the cupcakes, I mean)
I like to wear my birthday hat unicorn-style!
I feel like, in this picture, I look like the wicked queen in Snow White (a stylish blonde version please) offering you an apple (cupcake).
Pink cupcakes - cherry chip to be quite specific - are all I asked for for my B-day. It's not all I got, but it's all I asked for. I also received the orange half of the yellow and orange slip n' slide, which my dear father gave to us and REQUIRED that we test it out to show him our appreciation. 8pm in the shade is not very warm, I don't care if its June. My participation is not documented. But I swear to you, it happened. Just imagine RT in the middle of the family BBQ, and that's how wonderful it was.
The twin bro: