Sunday, April 19, 2009

speaking of juevos

So I checked the status of the birds nest in the fake plant yesterday. If you'll recall from the Easter post below, there were 2 eggs in the nest on Easter. As of yesterday, there are 5 little eggs!

I also managed to sneak a picture of the little brown mama bird through the window. She's shy. I am very, very sneaky.

She flies away every time we open the door, but she doesn't go far. She just lands on this tree and watches us to make sure her eggs are ok.

More to come as things progress!


  1. Is that really how you spell eggs in Spanish? Because I always thought it sounded more complicated than that.
    This whole eggs-in-a-fake-plant thing is awesome. The lab that I previously worked in was on the second floor of the building and overlooked a birds nest with two little hatchlings in it. I named one Pickles and the other Garth.

    Guess what! I miss you!

  2. CUTE! I am loving your Easter score! We might have to have a painting party. After finals of course! And, when I can actually bend over to see and touch my toes. Soon I am hoping! Miss you!

  3. I love is helping me relive our little robin nest last year. I love that it is in the fake plant. that is the best. Our mama bird was a scaredy cat too. Do you really blame her though? Keep us all updated!

  4. Aww...I love little birdie eggs. We had a nest at our rental house and we were all very fascinated by it, especially when the eggs hatched! One of the baby birds fell out of the nest and died, which was very sad of course, but the rest of them survived and stayed around long enough to leave lots of poops on our porch :)
    Please keep us posted!
