Wednesday, December 2, 2009

just because it made me smile

As I was searching google for a good lightbulb image to include in a final presentation for my senior thesis class tomorrow night, I stumbled upon this.

And since you've all been pondering about what in the world to get me for Christmas, let me make it easy for you.

<--------a real life version of this.

Bulbous eyes mandatory. (obvious)
I think I'll name him Brutus or Spike, what do you think?

I'm open to suggestions.


  1. Mmmm... Spike. Like Spike on Buffy, right? I'm SURE that's where the idea came from :)

    We're fans of human names for pets. Maybe consider Todd? Or Steve. Can't go wrong with Steve.

  2. Brutus for sure! That made me smile too :)

  3. Clayton and I had fish before dogs...we named them all (like 10). Our fish was black just like that one and his name was Albert. He was the cutest little guy! We loved him!
