Tuesday, February 5, 2008

polls are open


Today is

Super Tuesday.

Time to vote.

I don't care who you vote for, just vote.


  1. I heard the funniest thing this morning. Since yesterday was super Tuesday, several people in (I think it was) Wisconcin lined up at an elementary school to vote. Over joyed with excitement they began pounding on the doors to be let in. THEY TOTALLY FORGOT WISCONCIN IS A STATE THAT DOESN'T PARTICIPATE IN THE SUPER TUESDAY. They polls are in two weeks. SILLY VOTERS!

  2. Same thing happened in Texas.
    I was hearing that a few western states got together and formed "Super Tuesday" a few years back so that the candidates would campaign in their states, and every year more and more states join in. Now with 24 states on Super Tuesday those original states once again don't get much attention. Silly, silly.

  3. Didn't vote, only because they won't accept a Texan-registered girl to vote in Utah. I guess it's about time to go to the DMV and officially become a "Utahn".
    If I had voted, it would have been for Romney, so my vote wouldn't have counted anyway, right?

  4. I felt very patriotic on Super Tuesday. I had such this sense of urgency this year to be sure to vote. It was the first year I have taken the time to try to educate myself on the candidates. It was a very interesting race...get it still is, even if our man Mitt is out.
